Pumphrey Law Blog

Jury Rejects Death Penalty in First Broward Case Applying New Law

October 3, 2023 Criminal Defense, Violent Crimes

One of the first Florida cases to experience the new sentencing laws under SB 450 has just finished without imposing execution. Despite the amended law only requiring a majority vote instead of a unanimous vote, the jury in the Clarck Paul case decided not to impose capital punishment. This page will provide the case details and the trial’s outcome, along …

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Sex Offender vs Sexual Predator – Definitions and Differences

October 3, 2023 Criminal Defense, Sex Crimes

**Disclaimer** This article is intended for informational purposes only. Pumphrey Law does not currently assist with removal from the Sex Offender Registry, nor advise on travel restrictions for those on the registry. When a defendant is convicted of a sex crime, they may be required to register with the Florida Sexual Offender Registry. The Registry provides identifying information about the …

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Should Marsy’s Law be Applied to Capital Cases?

October 3, 2023 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

Almost five years after Floridians voted in favor of applying Marsy’s Law to criminal cases to protect the rights of victims, the Florida Supreme Court has been urged to apply the measure with death row inmates. The specific purpose is to make it more difficult for inmates facing the possibility of capital punishment to get a stay of execution. Attorney …

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Heuristics and Decision Making in Criminal Justice System

October 2, 2023 Criminal Defense

Decision making is an important aspect of our society. Each day we are faced with varying degrees of choices, and we must use our knowledge and intuition to make informed decisions. This is also true in the field of criminal justice; however, those who work in the field of criminal justice are often held to a higher standard for their …

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Florida Prepares for its Sixth Execution in 2023

September 13, 2023 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

Only several months after Florida’s death penalty requirements changed, another death row inmate is preparing for his looming execution. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has made it clear that the state is becoming tougher on crime—however, the result could be more and more people being executed in the Sunshine State. This will be the sixth execution to occur in Florida this …

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How Does Charge Stacking Work?

September 13, 2023 Criminal Defense

When an individual is accused of committing a crime, the prosecution is responsible for filing the relative charges for that alleged offense. One common practice that prosecutors tend to use is “charge stacking.” This controversial method has brought criticism due to its potentially harsh stance on excessive punishment. This page will provide insight into charge stacking, how it works in …

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NCMEC’s Updated CyberTipline

September 13, 2023 Criminal Defense, Violent Crimes

The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) is the nation’s resource for missing and exploited children. Their tool, CyberTipline, allows individuals to make reports of alleged child abuse or illicit content of children seen online. Once the tip has been submitted, NCMEC will review it, add supplementary information when necessary, and forward it to law enforcement for further …

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Tallahassee High School Football Game Ends in Panic and Arrest

September 13, 2023 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements, Violent Crimes

A preseason high school football game in Tallahassee ended early due to violence that broke out, which created even more chaos when police noticed a student with a suspected firearm. The laws and regulations for minors who commit crimes work differently than those who are charged as adults. This page will provide the case details, as well as information on …

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Should Florida Bring Back Parole?

September 12, 2023 Criminal Defense

Over the years, various advocates of criminal justice reform have voiced their opinion on reinstating parole in Florida. A recent 2022 study—notably from “right-of-center” criminal justice reform organization Right on Crime—claimed that parole should be brought back to the state. This study concluded that a gradual reinstatement of parole could improve public safety and save money for taxpayers. While addressing …

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