Pumphrey Law Blog

What Forensic Resources are Used by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children?

July 25, 2023 Criminal Defense, Violent Crimes

In a criminal investigation, law enforcement will search for specific pieces of evidence to tie the responsible person to the crime. Evidence is generally defined as the information or object that is admitted into court for the judge and jury to consider when hearing a case. One of the most persuasive forms of evidence is known as Forensic evidence. Thisis …

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Digital Evidence in Criminal Cases

July 24, 2023 Criminal Defense

When a person is suspected of a crime, the prosecution team relies on the available evidence to obtain a conviction. As technology has continued to evolve, so has the need for ways to obtain, analyze, and document digital evidence. This page will provide information on the common types of digital evidence in criminal cases, the potential challenges they pose to …

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What Happens if a Convicted Felon is Caught with a Stolen Firearm?

July 17, 2023 Criminal Defense

A convicted felon is defined as an individual who has been found guilty of a felony offense in a court of law. In Florida, a felony is a serious offense that is punishable with imprisonment for more than one year. This contrasts with a misdemeanor, which is a less serious offense that is only ever punishable by less than a …

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Understanding “Intent to Sell” in Florida

July 17, 2023 Criminal Defense, Drug Charges

Florida takes the possession of controlled substances extremely seriously, with specific laws and penalties in place for those who are caught with unlawful substances in their possession. However, understanding the legal nuances between the differing drug charges can make a difference in determining the severity of penalties a defendant may face. While a simple possession charge refers to having illicit …

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The Serious Consequences Behind a DUI with a Child in the Car

July 17, 2023 Criminal Defense, Drunk Driving/DUI

Drunk driving with a child in the car is a grave offense that jeopardizes not only the safety of the driver but also the well-being of an innocent child and the other drivers on the road. Florida takes any DUI offense seriously, with enhanced penalties in place to protect vulnerable passengers. For any person facing charges for DUI with a …

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Florida Inmate Sentenced to Additional Prison Sentence for Threatening a Judge

July 17, 2023 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements, Violent Crimes

Threatening to harm or kill another person is taken very seriously in Florida and can result in harsh criminal penalties. Even if you have already been convicted of a crime, you can receive additional sentencing for threatening a legal official such as a judge. In a recent Florida case, a man serving time for a drug trafficking sentence has just …

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What is a Richardson Hearing?

July 17, 2023 Criminal Defense

During the discovery phase of a criminal case, both the State and the defense have an obligation to disclose relevant information and evidence to each other. This sharing of information promotes fairness and allows both parties to adequately prepare for trial. If there is reason to believe that an opposing party has failed to comply with their discovery obligations or …

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Tallahassee Man Charged with Vehicular Manslaughter in ATV

July 17, 2023 Criminal Defense

A man in Tallahassee has just been sentenced to 15 years in prison for a vehicular homicide case. The defendant was not operating a typical passenger motor vehicle, but instead an ATV. This case highlights that a person can be charged with vehicular manslaughter even if the method of transportation was not a standard motor vehicle. This page will provide …

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Tallahassee Double Shooting Results in 16-Year-Old’s Arrest

July 17, 2023 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements, Violent Crimes

Law enforcement and the State Attorney’s Office are reviewing case details from a double shooting at a Tallahassee McDonald’s to determine if a 16-year-old suspect will be protected under Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law from defending himself from another shooter. This page will provide the case details along with its relative charges, importance of criminal defense for juveniles, and explain …

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