Pumphrey Law Blog

The Dangers of Nitrous Oxide

May 29, 2023 Criminal Defense, Drug Charges

The misuse and illicit sale of nitrous oxide for recreational use has become alarming in the last few years. Nitrous oxide, an anesthetic agent found in medical and dental procedures, has recently been abused at music festivals and other realms for partygoers. What is misleading about the substance is that it is legal to purchase it in Florida. However, there …

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eDNA and its Ethical Concerns

May 29, 2023 Criminal Defense

New DNA technology has been extremely helpful over the years in helping law enforcement solve criminal cases. DNA evidence is usually found and gathered from a crime scene, whether it be from a weapon, blood splatters, or footprints. But what if police were able to collect and trace DNA from the beach? Or from the air inside the room? A …

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Two Dead in Georgia Motorcycle Gang Shoot Out

May 29, 2023 Criminal Defense, Violent Crimes

The state of Florida and Federal law enforcement take gang-related crimes very seriously. Defendants who are accused of committing crimes for an organized gang can face enhanced penalties, steep fines, and extensive imprisonment if convicted. A recent shoot out in Georgia resulted in the death of two motorcycle gang members, and 12 attempted murder charges. This page will provide the …

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Penalties for Grand Theft of an Emergency Medical Equipment

May 29, 2023 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements, Theft/Property Crimes

When a defendant is accused of stealing, the charge they will likely face is theft. Theft charges in Florida can be classified as petit or grand theft, depending on the value of the stolen item. If the stolen item was an emergency vehicle, grand theft charges become more severe. In a recent Florida case, a man is being charged with …

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New DNA Evidence Closes 25-Year-Old Tampa Cold Case

May 29, 2023 Criminal Defense, Violent Crimes

DNA evidence is considered a reliable source of evidence in forensic investigations. When DNA is properly collected, preserved, and analyzed by trained professionals, it can be an invaluable tool. DNA evidence helps with excluding or identifying potential suspects in a criminal case. Although DNA evidence is considered reliable, human error or contamination during collection, handling, or analysis can cause inaccuracies. …

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Incriminating Instagram Selfie Results in Teen’s Attempted Murder Charge

May 29, 2023 Criminal Defense, Juvenile Offenses, Social Media

If you are suspected of committing a crime, it is important to know that police can view your social media account for any incriminating evidence. In one recent Florida case, a suspect in Miami-Dade was arrested in connection to a crime after posting an image on Instagram with the alleged weapon. This page will provide the case details, along with …

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How DNA Technology Has Evolved in Criminal Law

May 29, 2023 Criminal Defense

Nearly every cell in the human body contains deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA. Since its first use in the 1980’s, DNA technology has revolutionized the science of crime detection. The evolution of DNA technology and methods of obtaining and analyzing DNA evidence is used in criminal law to convict those who have committed a crime or exonerate those who did not. …

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Drug Busts at Music Festivals

May 24, 2023 Criminal Defense, Drug Charges

Music festivals have been around for decades, and thousands of people of all ages attend festivals around the U.S. each year. One common issue that arises at music festivals is the possession and distribution of controlled substances. Law enforcement is known to go undercover at music festivals to try and target those who attempt to sell drugs or other unlawful …

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Trial Against Hialeah Cops Could Result in Twin Juries

May 24, 2023 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements, Violent Crimes

During a criminal trial, the jury is the selected group of people who must listen to the acquired evidence and determine the defendant’s guilt. In some cases, a twin-jury can be used if the case involves multiple defendants. Prior to an upcoming trial in Miami-Dade, the judge announced he plans to implement a twin-jury against two police officers accused of …

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