Pumphrey Law Blog

Can I be Arrested for Accidentally Accessing Child Porn on the Internet?

November 7, 2022 Criminal Defense, Sex Crimes

The internet is a vast and confusing space that we’re all still trying to figure out. There are times when simply browsing the internet could come with illegal acts. For example, while trying to download a movie or TV series you could accidentally click on a link that has a pop-up of child pornography. Despite immediately closing the window, there …

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Florida Court Approves DNA Testing for 46-Year-Old Death Penalty Case

November 6, 2022 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements, Violent Crimes

A Florida judge has just announced she will likely allow an order for DNA testing of evidence in what is being called “an epic turnaround” in the 1975 murder trial for Tommy Zeigler. Despite continuous motions denied over the years by Florida’s Attorney Generals, Zeigler could be working toward the next step for an exoneration after spending four decades on …

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Can I Buy Weed from Circle K?

November 4, 2022 Criminal Defense, Drug Charges, News & Announcements

Word travels fast—and it seems like everyone is looking at Circle K after its owner announced a new partnership set to begin next year. The gas station franchise is pairing up with one of the nation’s largest cannabis producers to bring medical marijuana to gas stations (or at least right next door.) The announcement has raised lots of questions, such …

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Driver Found Guilty in Vehicular Homicide Case Involving Huffing

November 2, 2022 Criminal Defense, Drug Charges, Drunk Driving/DUI, News & Announcements

Even some legal substances can still get you in trouble with the law. “Huffing” has started to become more popular in recent years among teens and young adults. The practice takes everyday cleaning supplies and makes them illegal by inhaling or ingesting them. A recent case in South Florida shows just how dangerous huffing can be—resulting in one family’s death …

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A Trio of Teens Rob Deaf Student at Knifepoint

November 1, 2022 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements, Theft/Property Crimes, Violent Crimes

Juveniles can break the law just the same as adults do. Typically, the justice system has a different way of handling cases involving minors. A person under the age of 18 who is charged with a crime will usually go to juvenile court. However, in some instances, the minor can be transferred to what is known as adult court instead. …

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Florida Drug Bust Results in 85lbs of Fentanyl

November 1, 2022 Criminal Defense, Drug Charges

In the last several months, Florida has seen a huge increase in fentanyl-related cases. The most recent case was an investigation with local Florida law enforcement, with the help of the FBI and Homeland Security. Attorney General Ashley Moody’s Office released a statement regarding the most recent case, in which over 50lbs of fentanyl—along with other illegal substances—were seized. We …

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What is Rainbow Fentanyl?

November 1, 2022 Criminal Defense, Drug Charges

The DEA has released a warning on “rainbow fentanyl” after police seized 12,000 fentanyl pills from the Los Angeles airport last week. The brightly colored pills contain the highly toxic drug fentanyl but were found hidden inside candy boxes such as Skittles and SweeTarts. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is extremely dangerous, and often lethal. In Florida alone, there …

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Forensic Psychologist Deems Defendant Incompetent for Trial

November 1, 2022 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

Expert witnesses are often used in a trial to evaluate the case or specifically the defendant. One type of expert witness is a forensic psychologist, who will study the defendant to determine whether they believe they are competent to stand trial. The defendant in a triple-murder case has just been declared incompetent to stand trial and instead will be transferred …

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Recent Unusual DUI Cases

November 1, 2022 Criminal Defense, Drunk Driving/DUI

Every time you get behind the wheel of a vehicle, you are responsible for following the rules of the road. While states can have differences in their traffic laws, operating a vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol remains illegal across all 50 states. We will cover two recent DUI cases around the U.S. and provide information on …

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