Pumphrey Law Blog

Woman Destroys Ex’s Car – Charged with Criminal Mischief

September 27, 2022 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

There is nothing quite like a broken heart—but that doesn’t give the broken-hearted a free pass to commit a crime. Country singer Carrie Underwood wrote the famous lyrics, “I took a Louisville slugger to both headlights, I slashed a hole in all four tires. Maybe next time he’ll think before he cheats.”  Although it’s a powerful message, it should not …

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Mistrial Ruled in Florida Guardian Case

September 27, 2022 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

A mistrial has been declared by the presiding judge of former guardian Rebecca Fierle’s criminal trial. The ruling came after the jury could not come to a unanimous verdict on the case, which revolves around the death of one of Fierle’s deceased clients, Steven Stryker. We will cover the details of the trial, the characteristics of a mistrial, and what’s …

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Trial Begins for Manslaughter Case Involving Mexican Celebrity

September 27, 2022 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements, Violent Crimes

Even celebrities need criminal defense assistance. Pablo Lyle, the Mexican TV actor known for “My Adorable Cure” and Netflix show “Yankee” is facing criminal charges in an involuntary manslaughter case from 2019. We will cover the details of the case, along with information on manslaughter charges and penalties in Florida. What was the Incident? In April 2019, Mexican actor Pablo …

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September 24, 2022 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

Dealing with the police is always a stressful situation. Whether the person is being accused of committing a crime or they are asking for assistance, it is important to remember that this is a tense moment for all parties. While the police’s job is to protect and serve their community, be careful to not confuse this to mean that they …

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Accidental Shooting Results in Light Sentence and Outrage from Victim’s Family

September 22, 2022 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements, Violent Crimes

Manslaughter is the killing of another human being without malicious intent. Although it is not as severe as a murder charge, getting accused of manslaughter can still come with harsh penalties. A recent case in Florida shows the dangers of playing with firearms, and the outcome of the defendant’s trial which ended with a much lighter sentence than the victim’s …

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Parkland School Shooting Trial – The Defense Rests its Case

September 21, 2022 News & Announcements, Violent Crimes

More information has been published regarding the ongoing trial against Nikolas Cruz, the defendant in the Parkland high school massacre that took place in 2018. Cruz pled guilty to the murder charges in October 2021. Now the decision must be made whether to sentence him to life in prison without parole, or the death penalty. Cruz’s defense team has just …

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Teens Arrested for Armed Carjacking and Sexual Battery

September 21, 2022 Criminal Defense, Sex Crimes, Theft/Property Crimes

Florida severely punishes defendants who have committed or attempted to crimes while using a firearm. Florida Statute Section 790.07 explains that when a person displays, uses, threatens, or attempts to use a weapon or holds a concealed weapon is guilty of a felony in the third-degree. Florida’s 10-20-life rule can also apply during the commission of specific felonies. Florida’s 10-20-life …

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Florida Officers and Criminal Allegations

September 18, 2022 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

Working as a police officer comes with the responsibility of protecting citizens from any potential crimes. However, there have been instances where police officers are the ones accused of causing harm to others. The Public Corruption Unit from the Broward State Attorney’s Office has charged 40 law enforcement officers with various charges since 2017. In Miami-Dade alone, there have been …

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Florida’s Only Officer Convicted of On-Duty Killing in 30 Years

September 18, 2022 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements, Violent Crimes

In nearly 30 years, there has only been one police officer in Florida who has been convicted and sentenced due to an on-duty killing. A former Palm Beach Gardens officer, Nouman Raja, is currently serving a 25-year sentence after shooting and killing Corey Jones.  On October 18th, 2015, Raja was working on an auto burglary investigation when he noticed an …

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