Pumphrey Law Blog

Florida’s Most Notorious Guardian Begins Trial for Elderly Abuse

September 16, 2022 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements, Violent Crimes

A professional guardian is someone who has been court-appointed to take care of elderly citizens and their assets. It is an important job and one that has recently been taken advantage of in Florida. A recent case highlights Florida’s “most notorious guardian” Rebecca Fierle, who is accused of mishandling her wards’ finances, along with abusing them. In one extreme case, …

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Fatal Hit and Run in Pinellas County Results in DUI Manslaughter

September 15, 2022 Criminal Defense, Drunk Driving/DUI, News & Announcements

Driving while under the influence can result in extreme consequences in Florida. Aside from potentially harming yourself or others during a car accident, there are also criminal charges that a person can face if caught driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. A recent case in Florida resulted in the death of an innocent bystander on a bike, while …

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Charlie Adelson Denied Release from Prison

September 15, 2022 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements, Violent Crimes

We continue to cover the details surrounding Dan Markel’s murder and the resulting criminal proceedings. As we’ve previously discussed, Charlie Adelson is one of the remaining suspects who has not yet gone to trial. Just last month, Katherine Magbanua was sentenced for her involvement in the arranged shooting. Now that Charlie Adelson’s trial is approaching, his defense attorney has requested …

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What is Drowsy Driving Prevention Week?

September 15, 2022 Criminal Defense, Drunk Driving/DUI

The beginning of September means it is once again Drowsy Driving Prevention Week in Florida. The week-long event has been designated by Florida Legislature to highlight the dangers of driving while tired. We will provide details on Prevention Week and its origins, along with information on criminal charges for driving drowsy in Florida. Florida’s Ronshay Dugans Act Florida Statute Section …

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16-Year-Old Arrested for Shooting Minors at Bus Stop

September 14, 2022 Criminal Defense, Violent Crimes

When an individual under the age of 18 gets arrested for a crime, it is likely that they will go through the juvenile criminal process. However, in some extreme cases, a juvenile can be tried as an adult. A recent case in Florida involving three people under the age of 18 may be heading to criminal court, not juvenile. We …

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Man Arrested for Leaving Dead Animals at Parkland Memorial

September 10, 2022 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

It is against the law in Florida to deface or destroy a monument or a burial ground. A local Florida man has recently been arrested after leaving dead animals on the memorial ground for the Parkland Massacre victims, which has resulted in his arrest. We will cover the details of the case, along with explaining the Florida Statute for defacing …

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Leaving a Child Unattended in a Hot Vehicle in Florida

September 10, 2022 Criminal Defense

It is no secret that Florida is extremely hot—with a year-round summer, you can almost always guarantee that it’s going to be hot and sunny in the “Sunshine State.” While there are definite benefits to warm weather year-round, there are inevitably cons as well. One of the biggest issues with Florida’s heat is when it comes to hot vehicles. Specifically, …

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Man Found Not Guilty After Accidental Shooting of Friend

September 10, 2022 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements, Violent Crimes

When someone dies, the immediate charge that people think of is murder or homicide. The State has specific laws and penalties for a human being dying, and it differs depending on the specific details of the case. If a human being is killed in an accident, the criminal charge that is often given is manslaughter, which differs from murder charges. …

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What is Grand Theft of a Controlled Substance?

September 10, 2022 Criminal Defense, Drug Charges, Theft/Property Crimes

When someone is accused of stealing an item or property belonging to someone else, it is considered a theft crime. In Florida, theft crimes can range from petit theft to grand theft, depending on the value of the stolen property. Theft penalties are more severe for high-value stolen property. Under Florida law, it is against the law to steal any …

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