Pumphrey Law Blog

Dancing for Sobriety Test? Woman Accused of DUI Breaks out in a Folk Dance

September 3, 2022 Criminal Defense, Drunk Driving/DUI

Getting pulled over by the police is no joking matter. If the authorities believe that you have been operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, you could face a DUI charge. This charge can come with harsh consequences such as expensive fines, jail time, or getting your license revoked. In one recent DUI case, a woman attempted to …

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Convenience Store Clerk Arrested for Shooting at Customer he Accused of Stealing Candy

September 3, 2022 Criminal Defense, Theft/Property Crimes, Violent Crimes

Stealing is a crime, but so is shooting at the person who you believe to be stealing. In a recent case, a store clerk accused a shopper of shoplifting, but instead of calling the police to report the theft, he took matters into his own hands and shot at the victim. Now the store employee is facing criminal charges for …

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When Does a Criminal Defendant Have a Right to Trial by Jury?

September 3, 2022 Criminal Defense

A trial by jury is one of the most commonly known criminal constitutional rights. This right has been repeated in school, on television, in movies, and through the criminal justice system. While the right to a jury trial is sacred, it is not definite, and not guaranteed to every single criminal defendant. We will cover the Constitutional protections on jury …

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Career Criminal Sentencing Enhancements in Florida

September 2, 2022 Criminal Defense

In Florida, those who repeatedly violate the law can be exposed to enhanced sentences in order to reduce recidivism. Recidivism is the number of former prisoners who end up being rearrested for a similar offense. There are several provisions federally and within Florida that provide for increased penalties when a defendant has repeatedly committed serious offenses. This article will provide …

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Recent Florida Supreme Court Decision Clarifies What Evidence Can Be Considered for Sentencing

September 2, 2022 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

If you or a loved one is facing a possible prison sentence, a knowledgeable defense attorney may be able to assist if you qualify for a downward departure. When sentencing a felony defendant in circuit court, the judge must analyze the defendant’s criminal sentencing score sheet in order to figure out which sentence is appropriate. This sentencing score sheet is …

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Florida Grand Jury Blasts Former Duval County Public School Director for Underreporting Crimes

August 27, 2022 Criminal Defense, Juvenile Offenses, News & Announcements

New reports released from the state’s grand jury have accused former police director Michael Edwards of manipulating and underreporting crimes on school grounds. Although the grand jury agreed that criminal misconduct took place within the department, a “legal quirk” has prevented them from charging Edwards with two felonies and one misdemeanor. The Office of Statewide Prosecution published a final report …

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Jason Wheeler Taken Off Death Row from Murder Case

August 27, 2022 News & Announcements, Violent Crimes

A man who was convicted of killing a Florida police officer and injuring several others has just been removed from death row. Jason Wheeler, 47, has been given a new sentence in his case after the U.S. Supreme Court deemed that capital punishment was unconstitutional. We will provide details of the case, along with the results of the resentencing. What …

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Homeless Man with No Arms Exonerated from Stabbing Tourist

August 27, 2022 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements, Violent Crimes

The internet has gone wild over a mug shot of a Florida man who was arrested after stabbing a man with a pair of scissors. However, this is not a typical stabbing—51-year-old Jonathan Dale Crenshaw has no arms. Although the case originally happened in 2018, the story went viral again after Dave Portnoy of Barstool Sports posted a video on …

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Polk County’s Largest Wiretap Investigation

August 27, 2022 Criminal Defense, Drug Charges, News & Announcements

The largest single wiretap investigation just busted a massive amount of drugs in Polk County. In total, 85 people were arrested, and the drugs recovered value to over $12 million. The investigation began in 2020 and has now successfully been solved with the help of both local and federal authorities. We will cover the details of the case and how …

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