Pumphrey Law Blog

Shakespeare’s Best Defense – Florida’s Romeo and Juliet Law

August 4, 2022 Criminal Defense, Sex Crimes

It’s Shakespeare’s most famous tragedy for a reason: doomed love. When an individual over the age of 18 has had sexual relations with a minor, it may feel like the love is doomed due to Florida’s strict laws for sex crimes. Some people may use the old saying of “age is just a number,” but it is in fact much …

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Man Sentenced to Life in Prison after Second Guilty Conviction

July 31, 2022 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements, Sex Crimes

A man in Florida has just been resentenced to life in prison for a sexual battery charge. The case was originally closed in 2012 with a guilty verdict, but was then overturned and called for retrial after a 2018 appeal by the defense team. We will cover the details of the case along with sexual battery charges on a minor …

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Can Nitrous Oxide be the Cause of a DUI Manslaughter Charge?

July 31, 2022 Criminal Defense, Drunk Driving/DUI

You may have heard of nitrous oxide before—also referred to as laughing gas, nitro, nangs, hippy crack, or “whippits.” When used for medical purposes, it can be safely used to provide sedation, anesthesia, or pain management. However, it is easy to abuse, and has started to become a popular recreational drug. There are Florida laws to prevent the possession and …

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What is Operation Southern Slow Down?

July 31, 2022 Criminal Defense, Florida Panhandle Arrests, News & Announcements

The Florida Department of Transportation is working together with the Florida Highway Patrol for the collaboration on “Operation Southern Slow Down.” Florida is following suit with Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, and South Carolina. The goal of the operation is to stop reckless driving and speeding along the state highways. Police are hoping to save lives by enforcing strict surveillance of highway …

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Florida Teens Break into $8 Million Mansion

July 31, 2022 Criminal Defense, Theft/Property Crimes

A “Project-X” level party broke out in a million-dollar mansion in Watercolor, Florida. The party was the result of a break-in and burglary, where over 250 teens swarmed into the empty house and ransacked the place. Not only did they post proof of themselves drinking, partying, and boxing in the house, but there are also multiple items that were stolen …

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Is a Dog Bite a Weapon? Analyzing Police Dogs Statistics

July 31, 2022 Criminal Defense

A man’s best friend? Or most terrorizing weapon? Police officers have used the assistance of dogs for years, to help track down suspects, sniff out drugs, or in some cases chase down suspects who have fled from the authorities. While dogs are known to be incredibly smart and loyal creatures, there are downsides to deploying them in criminal cases. A …

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Former Police Officer Acquitted of Battery Charge

July 31, 2022 Criminal Defense, Violent Crimes

After a video went viral of a Broward Sheriff getting violent with a teen during an arrest, he was fired and has been facing charges for battery. While the defense argued that the deputies were simply doing their job, the prosecution claimed that the former deputy acted illegally with physical violence against the teenager. A jury in Broward County has …

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Disney World Brawl Leads to Three Arrested

July 27, 2022 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements, Violent Crimes

They say it’s the happiest place on Earth—but Disney World has recently turned into the grounds for anger and violence after a huge fight broke out last week. The cause of the altercation was a woman briefly exiting the line to grab her phone. Yet the outcome resulted in two families getting escorted out of the park, several arrests, and …

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Orange County Sheriff’s Office Makes Arrest for Man Beaten to Death at a Shopping Plaza

July 27, 2022 Criminal Defense, Violent Crimes

Two men have been arrested in Orange County, Florida in relation to a murder that took place at a local supermarket. A man was beaten to death and left outside for the police to find around 3:45 am. The two men now face multiple charges, including first-degree murder, kidnapping, and accessory after the fact. We will cover the details of …

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