Pumphrey Law Blog

New Surveillance Tactic in Florida – Is it Unconstitutional?

July 12, 2022 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

There is a new form of surveillance tactic that is being used by Florida police, which collects data digitally for investigating crimes. While it seems beneficial to the authorities, many are calling the new technology a violation of privacy by spying on everyday citizens. Some even claim it is in direct violation of the constitution. Based on information from the …

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Vegan Parents Charged with First-Degree Murder for Starving Baby to Death

July 12, 2022 Criminal Defense

When people think of child abuse, it is typically what has been shown on TV or in movies—a parent hitting a child or being violent around them. However, child abuse comes in many forms. There is also child neglect to consider as well. In a recent Florida case, a set of parents are now facing serious criminal charges after abusing …

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When is it Considered Culpable Negligence?

July 8, 2022 Criminal Defense, Violent Crimes

Along with the ongoing issue of gun violence in both Florida and the rest of the U.S., there is also the issue of culpable negligence. With the ability of American citizens to keep guns in their homes, also brings up the problem of unlocked or unsupervised weapons. There have been a growing number of cases in which children get a …

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Religious Ritual Results in Animal Cruelty Charge

July 8, 2022 Criminal Defense

Religious freedom is a granted right for people in the United States. People can believe whatever they want, and practice or pray how they please. However, there are some instances where religion may interfere with the law. One specific instance is animal sacrifice. In Florida, there are strict rules against animal cruelty. This is to protect animals from torment from …

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Highland Park Parade Shooting

July 8, 2022 Criminal Defense, Violent Crimes

Another tragic mass shooting has shook the nation. This time the massacre took place during a 4th of July parade, meant to celebrate Independence Day in America. The shooter was Robert “Bobby” Crimo III, who has now been charged with seven counts of first-degree murder. In total 45 people were injured and seven were killed in the shootings outcome. Lake …

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Grand Theft Case – Stolen R2-D2 from Disney World

July 8, 2022 Criminal Defense, Theft/Property Crimes

Sometimes showing that you’re the right person for the job doesn’t work out the way you intend it to. For one man, his attempt to show his skills landed him with a criminal charge. After the application process for Disney’s security team was taking too long, a man took matters into his own hands. The man successfully stole two large …

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Roe v. Wade Overturned – What it Means for Florida

July 7, 2022 News & Announcements

When information from the Supreme Court’s attempt to overturn the right to a legal abortion in early May, there was opposition across the entire nation. Roe v. Wade had been written into law and upheld for almost half a century, and as of June 24th, 2022, it no longer exists. In a historic and controversial decision, the Supreme Court voted …

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New Supreme Court Ruling for the Miranda Rights – What it Means for Florida

July 7, 2022 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

Continuing with the long list of Supreme Court rulings is a new rule regarding the Miranda Rights. The Miranda rights are the set of rights an individual has after getting arrested or interviewed by the police. The Miranda rights are a pillar of American policing, which is commonly heard in movies or on TV. Included in the Miranda Rights are …

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TikTok “Orbeez Challenge” Continues – More Teens Arrested

July 7, 2022 Criminal Defense, Juvenile Offenses, News & Announcements

TikTok has caused another incident in Florida, this time resulting in almost 25 people getting shot at. We have written about the Orbeez Challenge in the past, and it appears the trend is still ongoing with teens using the social media platform. What started as two young boys playing a prank has turned into serious criminal charges, including a felony …

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