Pumphrey Law Blog

Defense Requests to Withdraw from Parkland Case

June 9, 2022 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

Although we have already covered the beginning struggles with the search for a jury in the upcoming trial against Nikolas Cruz, there have been more issues arising within the last week. The trial is not deciding Cruz’s innocence—the defendant has already pleaded guilty to murdering 17 people at the Florida high school in 2018. What is being decided in the …

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Fast Food Fury – Not so Happy Meals in Florida

June 9, 2022 Criminal Defense, Violent Crimes

Convenience is ideal for all consumers in the U.S. Within American culture is the large number of fast-food restaurants that dominate in every state. Florida has its own share of fast-food establishments, which usually results in people getting affordable food, and fast. Most of the time, individuals who order inside eat their food, and leave. However, there are instances in …

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What is Culpable Negligence?

June 9, 2022 Criminal Defense

When people think of neglect, one may imagine the example of a parent leaving their child unattended. It is usually considered more of a liability rather than a criminal offense. However, culpable negligence is considered when there was a failure to use ordinary care for others. This can be considered a criminal offense, especially when there is a dangerous or …

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Historical Shift for Juveniles – Less Teens Facing Adult Courts

June 9, 2022 Criminal Defense, Juvenile Offenses

When a teenager is accused of a crime, it is typical that they are tried through the juvenile justice system. However, there are instances in which even a minor can be charged as an adult. This can be extremely stressful for a young teen who has been accused of a crime and may get sent to an adult court and …

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Federal Trial of Florida Criminal Defense Attorney For Conspiracy to Solicit Bribes and Extorts Criminal Defendants

June 9, 2022 News & Announcements

Prosecutors and defense attorneys have one of the most important jobs in our society. Prosecutors are charged with ensuring that the public remains safe by convicting criminals and offering diversion programs where necessary to reduce recidivism rates. Defense attorneys have the hard job of protecting the constitutional rights of the defendant. A skilled criminal defense attorney can present arguments to …

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Traffic Stop Leads to Massive Drug Bust

June 9, 2022 Criminal Defense, Drug Charges

Getting stopped by the police is already a high-stress situation. It’s always important to remember to stay calm and know your rights. In some instances, when a police officer stops you for one offense, it can lead to several more serious offenses if they find something illegal on you. Florida is known for being extremely strict when it comes to …

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What are Psychotropic Medications and How are they used in Criminal Trials?

June 7, 2022 News & Announcements

Psychotropic medications are prescribed to have an affect on behavior, mood, thoughts, or perception. There are five major categories of psychotropic medications: anti-anxiety agents, antidepressants, antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, and stimulants. Some of the mental conditions that psychotropic medications are prescribed for are anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and sleep disorders. In 2020, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration …

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Asleep at the Reins: Horse-Drawn Buggy DUI

June 7, 2022 Criminal Defense, Drunk Driving/DUI

All of us have been told multiple times “Don’t Drink and Drive,” but fewer of us have ever heard “Don’t Drink and Ride.” Authorities have a responsibility to ensure all drivers conform to their state’s vehicle laws, and a horse-led carriage is no exception. Being charged with a DUI is a difficult and stressful situation but having the right kind …

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Ghost Guns and Their Effects in Florida

June 7, 2022 Criminal Defense, Violent Crimes

The recent mass shootings across our nation have brought up many important issues, from law control to better mental health screening of our youth, to the public’s eye. While not a new subject, with our legislation taking a much harder stance and proactive approach to preventing these unfortunate events since the 2018 Mass shooting in Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school, …

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