Pumphrey Law Blog

Leon County’s “Hidden in Plain Sight” Exhibition – Educating Parents on Potential Dangers in their Child’s Room

April 22, 2022 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

It is natural for parents to feel concerned about their children’s activities. This is intensified once kids reach the adolescent stage. Teenagers are known for testing the limits and trying new things—sometimes even things that are illegal. Leon County has a yearly program to try and build the bridge between parents and their children. Understanding the potential dangers that your …

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Water Gun Prank Leads to Arrest in FL

April 22, 2022 Criminal Defense, Juvenile Offenses

Sometimes attempting to pull a prank doesn’t work in your favor. Teens and young adults may act without fully considering the consequences of their actions. For one young man, going onto a high school campus may have seemed harmless in theory, but ended up receiving several criminal charges. Since the individual was already 18-years-old, he will be tried as an …

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Student Rights – Understanding Alleged Student Violations

April 22, 2022 College, College Student Disciplinary Hearing, Criminal Defense

Attending a prestigious school like Florida State University (“FSU”) can be daunting and stressful at times for students. It’s not uncommon for them to find ways to make their academic life easier or to de-stress in ways that are not in their best interest. Most students strive to make it to the top of their class but those that take …

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Everything You Should Know About Self-Defense Shootings

April 21, 2022 Criminal Defense, Violent Crimes

If you are in a stressful or violent scenario, you may be wondering if and how you can protect yourself. A lot of the time self-defense seems like a very straightforward concept. If you fear that you are in danger, you want to be able to protect yourself. However, it is important to follow all of the laws about just …

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Possession of Firearms in Leon County Schools – Deadly Trend on the Rise?

April 21, 2022 Criminal Defense, Juvenile Offenses

Florida is known for its leniency when it comes to owning a gun. However, one charge they take very seriously is possessing a gun on a school campus. Gun violence is a serious issue, and it is important to educate both parents and students on the potential outcome of having one on campus. In Leon County, there have recently been …

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How to Tell if You’re Being Investigated by the Police

April 18, 2022 Criminal Defense

Getting accused of a crime is an extremely stressful situation. If you notice you may be under an investigation by the police in Florida, it is of the utmost importance to understand how to protect your rights. What happens if you are unaware of tell-tale signs of being investigated by law enforcement officers? We have provided you with helpful tips …

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New Abortion Law Signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis

April 18, 2022 Criminal Defense

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has signed the controversial new abortion bill, which does not come as a surprise to many. DeSantis has pushed his pro-life initiatives for some time now, which can be found here. After the Senate passed the bill 23-15 early this year, the final step in HB 5 becoming a law was getting signed by Gov. DeSantis. …

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Joyriding to Grand Theft Auto – What Your Teen Should Be Aware Of

April 18, 2022 Criminal Defense, Juvenile Offenses, Theft/Property Crimes

When we think of teenagers, one thing that often comes to mind is that they tend to make mistakes. It makes sense—their brains aren’t fully developed yet, their bodies and minds are still developing, and the social stigma of looking “cool” to friends can often lead to some bad decisions. Young adults lack impulse control due to the fact that …

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More Issues for the Search of a Jury in the Parkland Massacre

April 18, 2022 Criminal Defense

Yet another round of jurors have been released in the attempt to find a 12-seat jury in the upcoming Parkland High School shooting case. Only two weeks into the jury selection process, and Broward County Circuit Judge Elizabeth Scherer has now removed an entire 60-member panel of potential jurors. This is not the first set of people who have been …

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