Pumphrey Law Blog

Boat Rescue Turns into Deadly Shooting – How Being the Hero is Not Always the Best Option

March 31, 2022 Criminal Defense, Violent Crimes

As human beings, it is natural to feel empathy and want to help others when they seem to be in distress. Some may even be considered a “hero” for providing a helping hand. However in some cases, trying to help out others may end up backfiring. What happens when the person you are trying to help becomes the problem themselves? …

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Deaf Man Found Guilty After Being Questioned with No Interpreter

March 29, 2022 Criminal Defense

A recent legal matter highlights the dire need for legal system reform to provide equal protections for disabled or handicapped defendants. A Gainesville police officer did not obtain an interpreter for his questioning of a deaf defendant, and he was found guilty this week. In this blog post, we’ll examine the case and the circumstances that led to this result. …

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One Man’s TikTok Leads to Another’s Criminal Record – Viral Video Highlighting Spring Breaker Escaping from Police Car

March 28, 2022 College, Criminal Defense

If there’s one thing millennials and “Gen-Z” kids love, it’s social media. While it’s a great way to socialize amongst each other, there is still harm that can come from trying to reach internet stardom. For instance, last Spring Break a viral video highlighted what was meant to be a funny video of a young Florida man escaping the back …

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What is an Accident Reconstruction Expert in a Criminal Case?

March 27, 2022 Criminal Defense

What is Accident Reconstruction? Accident reconstruction is as simple as it sounds – the scene of an accident is reconstructed using certain methods and processes in order to create a timeline of what happened during an accident, where it happened, when, and why it unfolded in the way it did. Reconstructing an accident assists the judge or jury in determining …

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What Happens if Evidence is Introduced from a Witness Who Can’t Testify at Trial?

March 27, 2022 Criminal Defense

Going to trial for a criminal charge can be an extremely stressful situation. Along with trying to navigate the complex legal world, there are additional rules and requirements that must be upheld in the courtroom. While the process may be intimidating, there are plus sides to trial. For the prosecution, they have their own set of rules that must be …

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Incel Violence Against Women Reminds Floridians of the Need to Protect Women with an Expanded Hate Crime Statute

March 27, 2022 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

In October 2021, members of the Florida Hate Crime Coalition traveled to Tallahassee to show their support for Senate Bill 308, a bill that sought to expand hate crime protections in Florida. Its companion bill, House Bill 111, sought similar goals, specifically the addition of gender, gender identity, and physical disability to the hate crime statute. With these proposals dead …

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Incidents Involving TikTok Trend ‘Orbeez Challenge” Occur Across Florida

March 27, 2022 Criminal Defense, Juvenile Offenses

The latest TikTok trend – the “Orbeez Challenge” has swept across Florida, leaving law enforcement to warn both parents and children of the seriousness behind the social media trend. What is the Challenge? The “Orbeez Challenge” also referred to online as the #OrbeezChallenge, constitutes teens using a gel-ball gun or airsoft gun to shoot Orbeez, which are circular water gel …

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Can I Face Criminal Sanctions for Failing to Return a Rental Car on Time?

March 27, 2022 Criminal Defense

Renting a car while in Florida may seem like an easy task but failing to abide by the rules and procedures under Florida law can land you in some serious trouble. This blog will discuss exactly what legal repercussions a defendant who fails to return a rental car, or any rented leased or rented property, will face, as well as …

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What is a Use of Force Expert in a Criminal Trial?

March 27, 2022 Criminal Defense

The assistance of an expert witness can play a pivotal role in the defense against a criminal charge. There are many different kinds of expert witnesses, but all have the same underlying goal – to offer an opinion that will assist the judge or jury in reaching a decision. They do so by providing information or technical knowledge, applying their …

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