Pumphrey Law Blog

Recent Florida Supreme Court Case Answers Lingering Double Jeopardy Question

March 27, 2022 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

The Double Jeopardy Clause of the United States Constitution and Florida Constitution prohibits the government from prosecuting someone more than once for a crime that is the same or substantially the same. To read more about Double Jeopardy generally, visit our blog post here. The Case Generally On March 17, 2022, the Florida Supreme Court decided State v. Johnson. This …

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The Adolescent Brain – What Experts Say on Teens and Crime

March 24, 2022 Juvenile Offenses

Before the help of research by experts, sentencing for crimes was determined based solely on the severity of the crime committed. Now with the help of neuroscientists’ and psychologists’ research, the criminal justice system can evolve and change the way adolescents who have committed crimes are perceived and sentenced. For instance, factors that now may be considered in such a …

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Spring Break Gone South – West Point Military Cadets Overdose on Fentanyl

March 22, 2022 Criminal Defense, Drug Charges

A group of cadets from the U.S. Military Academy of West Point in New York had a deadly encounter this Spring Break after overdosing on illegal substances supposedly laced with fentanyl. Out of the group of six young men, five overdosed and law enforcement in South Florida had to be called in order to save their lives. The scary situation …

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Spring Break in Florida – Drinks, Drugs, and Deadly Partying on the Rise

March 22, 2022 Criminal Defense, Drug Charges, Drunk Driving/DUI

As winter starts to melt away, flowers start to bloom, the air gets warmer, and everyone can feel that spring is in the air, crime also tends to crop up! Although sunny Florida has great weather year-round, there’s one specific thing we all love about spring: Spring Break! During the month of March, high schools and universities let out their …

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A Recently Released Defendant Could Be Facing Jail Time Yet Again

March 22, 2022 Criminal Defense

Crosley green was released in 2021, following a motion granted by Federal Judge Roy B. Dalton of the Middle District Court of Florida to immediately release Green due to health concerns, the pandemic, and the fact that Green’s conviction for first-degree murder was overturned by the very same judge in 2018. His freedom came after 31 years and 10 months …

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The Fight to Legalize Fentanyl Test Strips

March 22, 2022 Criminal Defense, Drug Charges

This week alone, fentanyl has been linked to at least 10 fatal drug overdoses in South Florida. Fentanyl is a synthetic drug said to be up to 50 times more potent than heroin and has been recently referred to as Florida’s deadliest opioid. Often, the dangers of fentanyl come about through its covert nature – many of those suffering overdoses …

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Operation March Sadness 2 Leads to Over 100 Arrests

March 22, 2022 Criminal Defense

The Polk County Sheriff’s Office six-day undercover human trafficking operation titled “Operation March Sadness 2” resulted in the arrests of approximately 108 people on March 17, 2022. Among those people were a retired judge and at least three Walt Disney World employees. This is not the first human trafficking sting conducted by Polk County Sheriff’s Office, and unfortunately, it is …

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Can I Get Arrested for Egging a House?

March 17, 2022 Criminal Defense

Spring Break season is officially here, and students from all over the country are enjoying some well-earned time off from school. During school breaks students can pull stunts and pranks like egging a house. Egging is pretty self-explanatory. It involves throwing eggs at houses, cars, or people. The eggs are usually raw, but more nefarious “pranks” can involve the use …

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Overdose Death Conviction Bill Approved

March 17, 2022 Criminal Defense

We previously covered a bill proposed in Florida that would potentially make it possible, and easier than ever before, to charge drug dealers with first-degree murder. Specifically, the bill enhances the penalties for distribution of methamphetamine charges, adding the controlled substance to a list created in 1972 of drugs that would make dealers liable for first-degree murder charges where the …

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