Pumphrey Law Blog

Prosecutorial Misconduct in Criminal Cases

April 9, 2024 Criminal Defense

The criminal justice system in Florida requires representation in the form of both a defense attorney and a prosecutor. The prosecutor’s responsibility includes assessing, presenting, and explaining evidence obtained in a criminal case. The State holds the burden of proving a defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. When a lawyer is suspected of violating any of the rules outlined in …

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Underage Spring Break Arrests in 2024

April 9, 2024 Criminal Defense, Juvenile Offenses, News & Announcements

As the month of March progresses, so has the number of arrests made for Florida Spring Breakers. While people of all ages and backgrounds head to Florida for sunshine and beaches this month, law enforcement are on high alert for suspected criminal activity. Teenagers and young adults under 21 should be especially wary this Spring Break. Although not yet considered …

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What are the Consequences of Threatening a Federal Judge?

April 9, 2024 Criminal Defense

State and Federal judges are considered highly regarded officials in the realm of criminal justice. Due to the deciding factors a judge has in a criminal case, there are instances where a defendant may attempt to retaliate in the form of a written threat. It’s very important to stress that threatening any State or Federal official can result in additional …

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Will the Supreme Court Allow Resentencing for a Florida Inmate Over a Broken Promise?

April 9, 2024 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements, Violent Crimes

There are multiple reasons why a judge may allow a resentencing phase for a criminal case. This can include the prosecutor initiating resentencing, new evidence or legal developments, or changes in sentencing laws. One Florida inmate, however, is attempting to request a resentencing of his death penalty case based on a promise made to the victim’s mother. This page will …

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FDLE’s Operation Kessel Run

April 9, 2024 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements, Sex Crimes

A recent undercover operation led by multiple legal agencies has ended with a dozen suspects arrested for their attempt to travel to meet a minor. This page will provide details from the investigation, common charges committed against children online, and information on Florida’s potential social media bill. Details on Multi-Agency Investigation A multiday operation conducted by the Florida Department of …

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Recent Sentencing for Vehicular Homicide Cases

April 9, 2024 Criminal Defense, Violent Crimes

The state of Florida has several different offenses when it comes to negligent driving. One of the more severe forms of careless driving is when a collision occurs, and someone dies. When this happens, the person responsible for the crash can be charged with vehicular homicide. Vehicular homicide is ranked as a Level 7 offense under the Florida Criminal Punishment …

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Dangers of Grooming

April 9, 2024 Criminal Defense, Sex Crimes

Unfortunately, the ways in which minors can be exploited online have continued to increase with technology. One specific form of child abuse is “grooming,” which is an act or pattern of acts to deliberately establish an emotional, romantic, or sexual connection with a minor. In the most recent Florida Legislative Session, a new bill was introduced to prevent the prevalence …

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What Criminal Justice Bills Passed the 2024 Florida Legislative Session?

April 9, 2024 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

With the recent ending of the 2024 Florida Legislative Session, a portion of the criminal justice bills introduced have passed. Once Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signs the legislation into the law, it will go into effect later this year. This page will provide information on the legislative session as well as listing several criminal justice bills that made it through …

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Proposed Florida Bill for the Retention of Sexual Offense Evidence

March 20, 2024 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements, Sex Crimes

A proposed Senate Bill is making its way through the Florida Legislature. SB 764 aims to extend the period that evidence relating to a sex crime is maintained by law enforcement. Currently, the law provides that the evidence “must be retained…until the prosecuting agency has approved its destruction.” However, the proposed bill would require law enforcement to keep the records …

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