Pumphrey Law Blog

Does Police Misconduct or Negligence Automatically Result in Evidence Suppression?

March 10, 2022 Criminal Defense

Does Police Misconduct or Negligence Automatically Result in Evidence Suppression? Whenever the authorities conduct a search and/or seizure, there are specific rules that need to be followed. If there have been any illegal searches that have taken place, most people assume that the evidence is automatically suppressed and not used during the trial. However, the rules are a bit more …

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What is Judicial Notice?

March 10, 2022 Criminal Defense

Judicial notice refers to when a court accepts something as a fact without evidence to support its truth. This commonly applies to “common sense” principles like times of sunset and sunrise, known historic events, and the sky is blue. It can also apply to accepting knowledge from official records without other evidence to establish its accuracy, like court records, temperature …

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Operation Safe Tracks Leads to Citations, Warnings, and Arrests in Palm Beach County

March 10, 2022 Criminal Defense, Drunk Driving/DUI

Operation Safe Tracks Leads to Citations, Warnings, and Arrests in Palm Beach County Tragic Accidents Last month, Palm Beach County experienced three different accidents within a four-day period that involved a Brightline train striking a vehicle. Brightline is a privately run inter-city train company that runs between Miami and West Palm Beach. The accidents have occurred as a result of …

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Supreme Court Allows Law enforcement to Conduct Warrantless Video Surveillance

March 10, 2022 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

Supreme Court Allows Law enforcement to Conduct Warrantless Video Surveillance Amicus briefs filed by the Institute of Free Speech, the Institute for Justice, the Cato Institute and Rutherford Institute, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and the American Islamic Congress and Muslim Public Affairs Council urged the Supreme Court to grant the petition for certiorari in the case of United States v. …

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Commissioners of Leon County Vote Against Ordinance Focused on Regulating Homelessness

March 10, 2022 News & Announcements

Commissioners of Leon County Vote Against Ordinance Focused on Regulating Homelessness On January 25, 2022, Leon County Commissioners voted against Leon County Ordinance No. 22 drafted by Commissioners Carolyn Cummings, Bill Proctor, Brian Welch, and Rick Minor that sought to address issues connected to homelessness such as homeless camps and solicitation. Although the drafters said the intent of the ordinance …

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New Abortion Bill Passes in Florida

March 9, 2022 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

The Florida legislature has passed another bill that targets delicate cultural issues. After several bills proposed about limiting LGBTQ+ rights and information taught in schools, this bill is another added to the list that is receiving mixed reviews from both Republicans and Democrats. This specific bill focuses on the topic of abortion. Governor Ron DeSantis is endorsing a Republican-backed bill …

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Incoming Florida Funds – Aimed for Criminal Justice Reform?

March 7, 2022 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

On March 11, 2021, President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) into law, which would help grant financial relief to states and local governments that were affected by COVID-19. This was a one-time-one grant, and Florida received a total of $8.8 billion. So far, the state of Florida has only received $4.4 billion of the total amount, and …

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New Bill to Protect Identity of Death Penalty Lethal Cocktail Manufacturers Approved by the House

March 6, 2022 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

Florida’s use of capital punishment has a long and troubling history. To read about Florida’s death penalty timeline and recent decisions, read our blog post here. Now, new moves are being made in the realm of Florida’s capital punishment. The House gave preliminary approval on March 1st to House Bill 873. This bill would provide an exemption from public records …

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Can You Get Arrested for Prank Calling in Florida?

March 6, 2022 Criminal Defense, Juvenile Offenses

Pranks are one form of comedy that withstands the test of time. From the 1980s and 1990s, before caller ID existed and *67 worked wonders for prank callers, to the modern-day when the technology exists to create sham phone numbers, prank calling/texting has subsisted in the mainstream. But is prank calling illegal? Can you get arrested for prank calling and …

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