Pumphrey Law Blog

The Legal Repercussions Behind a False Bomb Threat

March 6, 2022 Criminal Defense, Juvenile Offenses

Unfortunately, most students have experienced a false bomb threat at some point during middle school or high school. Although these threats may start as a harmless prank that the writer believes no one will take seriously, they are no laughing matter and can land you in serious legal trouble. Florida Law Section 790.163 of the Florida Statutes details the legal …

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Post-Conviction Innocence Claims in Florida – the Gary Cannon Case

March 3, 2022 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

The case of one Florida man is yet another example of the new era for post-conviction innocence claims. Across the U.S. newly formed conviction review units are starting to work alongside defense attorneys. The purpose of these units is to reexamine evidence, look for information that wasn’t seen or heard during the initial trial, or find possible flaws within the …

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Parole v. Probation in Florida

March 3, 2022 Criminal Defense

Most people know parole and probation from criminal procedural television shows. Often, these terms are used interchangeably, blurring the lines between their important distinctions. In Florida, thousands of returning citizens are either released from prison to serve the rest of their sentence on parole or placed on probation. If you or a loved one has been accused of a crime …

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Tampering with Evidence in Florida

March 3, 2022 Criminal Defense

Often, a defendant will attempt to hide their involvement in a criminal act by destroying or tampering with evidence. But what constitutes evidence? The term is rather encompassing and includes any record, object, or document useful to a criminal inquiry or investigation. Common forms of evidence may be tangible objects such as illicit drugs, clothing, documents, or weapons, as well …

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How Trash Pulls are Used in Criminal Law Cases

March 3, 2022 Criminal Defense

Trash pulls occur when law enforcement officers take the trash you have put out to the curb for collection and look through it in the hopes of finding something they can use to establish probable cause. If they do happen to find something that establishes probable cause, they may be able to attain a search warrant to then search your …

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New Bill Would Extend 21-Day Holds for Violent Juvenile Offenders

March 3, 2022 Criminal Defense, Juvenile Offenses

Newly proposed bill SB 7040 and its companion bill HB 7029 are both titled “Time Limitations for Preadjudicatory Juvenile Detention Care.” Both center on amending and creating new conditions and procedures when it comes to detaining juveniles. The portions of the bills gaining the most attention are their proposed amendments to Section 985.26 of the Florida Statutes, which governs the …

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Six Spring Break Crimes to Watch Out for in 2022

March 3, 2022 Criminal Defense

Spring Break is the biggest week in the college social calendar. Florida receives torrents of visitors during “Spring Break season,” mostly consisting of young college students from across the country traveling here for a beachside vacation. Floridian college students also flock to the beaches during this time, hoping for some rest and relaxation to break up their academic calendar. During …

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The Law & Penalties for Giving False Information to a Pawnbroker

March 3, 2022 Criminal Defense

Pawning has become a staple of reality television in America. From hit 19-season series “Pawn Stars” to “Hardcore Pawn,” the United States fostered an interesting fascination with watching these pawnbrokers negotiate, sell, buy, and seek profit. But what happens if you sell something to a pawnbroker claiming it is yours when it actually isn’t? Many would be surprised that this …

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Florida’s Strict Laws Regarding Machine Guns and Bump-Fire Stocks

March 3, 2022 Criminal Defense

It is surprising to many that Florida, a state notorious for having rather lenient general gun laws, has strict laws when it comes to machine guns and automatic firearms. This blog post will explore the current law in Florida regarding machine guns, legal ramifications for breaking those laws, as well as where Florida law remains silent regarding these kinds of …

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