Pumphrey Law Blog

Til Death Do Us Part – Palm Beach County Woman Stabs Husband Over 140 Times

March 2, 2022 Criminal Defense, Violent Crimes

Marriages don’t always work out. However, in the case that two people do not wish to be together anymore, there are ways to end the legality of the marriage in a safe way. Divorce may seem like a long and difficult process, but in some instances, the disagreements between a couple can turn violent. For one native Florida woman, it …

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What Ava’s Law Would Mean for Incarcerated Pregnant Women in Florida

March 2, 2022 Criminal Defense

In October 2021, HB 363, sponsored by Representative Dianne Hart of Tampa, and SB 630, sponsored by Senator Shevrin Jones of Miami Gardens, were filed and referred to their respective subcommittees to be heard.  These companion bills are both titled “Pregnant Women in Custody” and center around creating procedures and processes to provide adequate care for pregnant women who are …

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What is Double Jeopardy?

March 1, 2022 Criminal Defense

Double Jeopardy is a constitutional clause commonly brought up in the media but rarely understood in its entirety. Most know it’s a right and has to do with being accused of the same crime more than once, but a lot more goes into this constitutional provision than can be put simply. In this blog post, we’ll explore what Double Jeopardy …

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Phone Calls from Jail – How Can They Effect Your Criminal Case?

March 1, 2022 Criminal Defense

Being placed in a jail cell is an extremely stressful situation. Preparing for your court case and receiving legal advice from a defense attorney is part of the process in handling the case. Although it may seem quite obvious, many defendants do not take their conversations within jail seriously. When a person is incarcerated and makes a phone call home, …

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New Florida Bills Would Punish Those Who Stand and Film Police After Warning

February 28, 2022 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

HB 11, titled “Impeding, Provoking, or Harassing Law Enforcement” was originally filed on January 22, 2022. Its companion bill, SB 1872, was introduced January 18, 2022, and both are facing backlash. So, what do these bills say, and how would their implementation conflict with existing Florida law? HB 11 & SB 1872 Republican representative Alex Rizo, from Hialeah, Florida, filed …

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Jail v. Prison in Florida

February 28, 2022 Criminal Defense

The Differences between Jail and Prison in Florida If you’ve been convicted of a criminal offense in the State of Florida, you could be sentenced to incarceration in jail, prison, or a different type of correctional facility. Though people use jail and prison interchangeably, in reality, there are very key differences. The difference usually lies in the length of the …

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Is My Arrest Record Public?

February 28, 2022 Criminal Defense

Arrest records usually contain incredibly private and oftentimes embarrassing information about the offender. Many arrested individuals agonize over the possibility of someone happening upon their arrest record on the internet or learning about it through the grapevine and looking it up, reading every gory detail. In this blog post, we will explore the visibility of Florida arrest records. What is …

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When Can a Store Owner Detain You for Shoplifting?

February 28, 2022 Criminal Defense, Theft/Property Crimes

Most shoplifting cases do not start with the police detaining and arresting an individual. Usually, a store owner or employee will detain the offender until the police arrive on the scene. To read more about retail theft, visit our blog post here. This may seem like a violation of the offender’s civil liberties, but under Florida’s retail theft statute, it …

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Everything You Need to Know About Restitution in Criminal Cases

February 28, 2022 Criminal Defense

Restitution is defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as “the restoration of something lost or stolen to its proper owner.” When people think of restoring something lost, whether it be the value of goods or stolen money itself, many think of civil litigation. But restitution can come into play during criminal proceedings as well. If you are convicted of a criminal …

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