Pumphrey Law Blog

What Happens if You Threaten a Public Official or Their Family?

February 21, 2022 Criminal Defense, Violent Crimes

The state of Florida has several laws against threatening others, either through verbal threat or through written form. If a threat is made towards a public official or another person in the legal world, the penalties may be even harsher. Federal law also proscribes its own laws and related penalties for threatening a public official. If you have been charged …

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Involuntary Commitment Under Florida’s Marchman Act

February 17, 2022 Criminal Defense, Drug Charges, Drunk Driving/DUI, News & Announcements

*The information is provided as a public service. Pumphrey Law does NOT handle Marchman act cases unless criminal charges are filed* The Hal S. Marchman Alcohol and Other Drug Services Act, commonly referred to as the Marchman Act, was passed in 1993 as a measure to help individuals cope with their substance abuse issues by actively encouraging them to voluntarily …

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New Bill Seeks to Increase Penalties for Organized Retail Theft

February 17, 2022 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

Florida lawmakers are seeking to revise existing penalties for organized retail theft through HB 1511. This bill, spearheaded by Representative Chuck Clemmons of Jonesville, seeks to prohibit certain retail theft at multiple locations within a specified timeframe. Clemmons states that such crime is  “becoming a larger and larger problem not only in Florida but across the nation.” Its companion bill, …

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Anti-Masker Facing Charges After Refusing to Mask Up at Airport

February 17, 2022 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

This far into the COVID-19 pandemic, almost anyone with a smartphone has seen a video of someone refusing to wear a mask being kicked out of a business or off of a flight. This usually occurs after the flight attendants, workers of said business, or even upper management get involved and repeatedly ask the individual to simply put on a …

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The Duress or Necessity Defense in Florida

February 17, 2022 Criminal Defense

Duress, or Necessity, is an affirmative defense in Florida. It generally occurs when someone commits a crime but felt that they had no choice but to commit the crime. Essentially, the defense argues that the defendant only committed the criminal act because there was an emergency or danger. If this defense is successfully raised, the defendant could face zero criminal …

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Florida Man’s Search for Vehicle Ends with Multiple Criminal Charges

February 16, 2022 Theft/Property Crimes

Dude, Where’s My Car? Florida Man’s Search for Vehicle Ends with Multiple Criminal Charges Sometimes a night out can lead to a rough morning—and potentially, memory loss. Whether it be how you got home, where you put your keys, or even where your vehicle is, many details about the wild night before can be gone with the wind. For one …

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Florida Goes Against National Trend in 2021 Murders

February 14, 2022 Criminal Defense, Violent Crimes

The Pandemic’s Silver Lining – Florida Goes Against National Trend in 2021 Murders Florida may be a part of a positive trend coming from the COVID-19 pandemic. Although there were a lot of negative outcomes from the pandemic’s outbreak, one silver lining is that the number of murders decreased in several major Florida counties from 2020 to 2021. Considering the …

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Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor in Florida

February 11, 2022 Criminal Defense

Under Florida law, you cannot cause a child to be in need of services or encourage them to violate a legal ordinance. This offense is codified under Florida Statute Section 827.4(1) entitled “Contributing to the Delinquency or Dependency of a Child.” It is a lesser-included offense of child neglect or abuse and is most often charged to an adult who …

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Withdrawing Your Guilty Plea

February 10, 2022 Criminal Defense

What is a Plea? Plea bargaining is a method by which many criminal cases are disposed of without going to court. Essentially, both of the parties come to an agreement regarding the disposition of the case. Plea bargains are common because defendants can avoid the expense and time of going to trial, the risk of a more severe sentence, and …

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