Pumphrey Law Blog

‘Don’t Say Gay’ – The Bill Doing More Harm than Help?

February 1, 2022 Criminal Defense

A bill that has advanced through the Florida House of Representatives has recently faced significant backlash throughout its entire process. HB 1557, under the name Parental Rights in Education Bill, or more commonly referred to as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, has been led by a Republican committee and was officially signed into law by Governor DeSantis on March 28, …

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Imperative Human Trafficking Bill Proposes Enhanced Penalties for Sex Buyers

January 28, 2022 Criminal Defense, Sex Crimes

On January 10, HB 1439, a bill that aims to enhance penalties for sex traffickers and increase protections for victims, was filed by Republican State Representative Jackie Toledo. The bill would be enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida as the “Human Trafficking Reduction Act”. The act relates to prostitution, lewdness, human trafficking, and public lodging and includes …

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ACLU Lawsuit Against Two Florida Counties Not Going As Planned

January 28, 2022 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

Both Sarasota and Manatee County are facing backlash from the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida regarding the process of the cash bail system. This backlash, however, does not come without a fight. After the ACLU filed multiple lawsuits in defense of Florida defendants, the Second District Court of Appeals denied all of the cases. This particular case raises the …

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New Bill on Interrogating Minors Moved by Senate Criminal Justice Committee

January 28, 2022 Criminal Defense, Juvenile Offenses

Being accused of a crime and having to experience the legal system can be a daunting and scary experience. If you’ve been accused of a crime, you will likely have to be interrogated by law enforcement officers. This is when they will ask you questions about your criminal case, trying to get you to give up information or confess to …

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Solitary Confinement and the Scary Reality in Florida Prisons

January 26, 2022 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

Being charged with a crime can completely alter the course of your life. Along with the initial shock of getting arrested, going through the legal process, and going to the court room, often the big question remains: what happens after the sentencing? Of course, there are expensive fines and the potential jail time to consider when the charge has been …

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Recent 11th Circuit Case Discusses the Line Between Offensive Speech and Criminal Wrongdoing

January 25, 2022 Criminal Defense

Recent 11th Circuit Case Discusses the Line Between Offensive Speech and Criminal Wrongdoing General Overview On December 16, 2021, the United States Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit decided case United States v. Fleury. This case was an appeal from the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida. There, Brandon Fleury was convicted by a jury …

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Florida Supreme Court Overturns Death Sentence for Gruesome Murders

January 25, 2022 Criminal Defense, Violent Crimes

A Tragic Story On January 13, the Florida Supreme Court decided to overturn the conviction and death sentence of Peter Avsenew. In 2017, Avsenew was convicted of two counts of murder for the deaths of married couple Stephen Adams and Kevin Powell in their home in Wilton Manners, Florida, on December 23, 2010. The manner in which the victims had …

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What is Stalkerware and is it Illegal in Florida?

January 20, 2022 Criminal Defense, Sex Crimes, Social Media

As technology continues to expand, so do the ways that hackers can break into your devices. Previously, people who wanted to secretly gain information from their victims would do so through physical methods such as stalking. However, in more recent years these methods have modernized into forms of technical stalking. One specific form of spyware, called “stalkerware,” is being used …

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How Can You Challenge a Criminal Conviction?

January 14, 2022 Criminal Defense

Challenging a Criminal Conviction in Florida While it doesn’t happen often, there are times when judges make mistakes. They are human just the same as you and me, and because of that they are not perfect. For this reason, there is the Court of Appeals. A mistake made by a judge in a criminal case can have serious consequences. The …

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