Pumphrey Law Blog

Medical Marijuana and DUIs – Are There Special Rules?

January 11, 2022 Criminal Defense, Drug Charges, Drunk Driving/DUI

Currently, federal law prohibits the use of marijuana. However, 36 states have legalized the use of medical marijuana, including Florida. Florida Medical Marijuana Legalization Initiative, also referred to as Amendment 2, was a constitutional amendment that was approved by 72% of voters on November 8, 2016. Amendment 2 “allows a variety of medical marijuana products, such as food, tinctures, aerosols, …

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Lizard Smuggling – Traveling and Wildlife Trafficking

January 10, 2022 Criminal Defense

When you receive a package in the mail, the last thing you would imagine to come out are a set of scaly lizards. In the case of one Miami man, this was exactly his intention. In fact, he flew all the way to Australia to capture and send back over a dozen lizards across the world. Although Florida is known …

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Speedy Trials in Florida Criminal Cases

January 6, 2022 Criminal Defense

What is a Speedy Trial in Florida? In the state of Florida, there are two types of “speedy trial” rights. The first is the right under the Sixth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The second is the procedural right to a trial under the Florida Rule of Criminal Procedure 3.191. Under Florida Statute Section 960.0015, the victim’s right to a …

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Motions in Criminal Cases in Florida

January 6, 2022 Criminal Defense

There are many different motions available to defense counsel during criminal legal proceedings. A motion is an application to the court that is made by the prosecutor or defense attorney requesting that the court makes a decision on a specific issue before the trial or proceeding begins. The said motion can affect the trial, courtroom, defendants, evidence, or testimony. It …

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What is an Arthur Hearing and How Can it Help Me Get Bail?

January 5, 2022 Criminal Defense

When a person has committed a crime, they are typically able to get released on bond, which allows them to be released from custody. Bail refers to the money a defendant has to pay in order to get released from custody. If bond is granted, it means that the person who pays would be liable if the person released from …

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Drugs & Music – A Deadly Combo on the Rise

January 4, 2022 Criminal Defense, Drug Charges

Live music has always been a great source to bring a crowd together. As popular are concerts are, in recent years festivals have started to spread across the nation. Throughout all months of the year, you can find music festivals that last anywhere from two to five days. Since they tend to last longer than one day, camping is often …

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New Measure to Allow State Attorneys to Bring Motions to Vacate Based on Evidence of Innocence

January 4, 2022 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

Wrongful convictions are a prevalent and systemic issue in Florida’s justice system. In fact, Florida has the highest rate of overturned wrongful convictions in the United States. Two new bills have been filed concerning wrongfully convicted defendants. The news bills would allow prosecutors to file a motion to abandon a judgment when they believe a defendant has been wrongfully convicted. …

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What are the Top Legal Issues to Look Out for in 2022?

January 4, 2022 News & Announcements

The new year is just around the corner. There has been a lot to happen in 2021, both socially and within the legal realm. When it comes to the state of Florida, many bills have been proposed, awaiting passage, this year. Now with 2022 right around the corner, it is important to take a look at the top legal issues …

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Court Clerk Accused of Pocketing over $100,000 in Divorce Filing Fees

December 23, 2021 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements, Theft/Property Crimes

Miami-Dade Court Clerk Accused of Stealing over $100,000 in Divorce Filing Fees Going through a divorce can be an extremely traumatic experience. On top of all the emotions and stress of ending a marriage, there are also legal aspects that need to be taken care of. When a couple files for divorce, there is certain paperwork that must be completed …

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