Pumphrey Law Blog

Shooting or Throwing Deadly Missiles in Florida

September 13, 2021 Criminal Defense

Under Florida Law, it is a crime to shoot into or throw deadly missiles into dwellings, public or private buildings, occupied or not, aircrafts, vessels, buses, railroad cars, streetcars, or other vehicles. Pursuant to Florida Statute 790.19, “whoever, wantonly or maliciously, shoots at, within, or into, or throws any missile or hurls or projects a stone or other hard substance …

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Want to Record a “Karen”? Know the Rules!

September 13, 2021 News & Announcements

In our world today, it has become second nature for us to grab our phones out of our back pocket when we see someone acting less than appropriate in public. As videos of “Karens” have overwhelmed the internet, many of whom say things like “you can’t record me!” to baffled onlookers, it is imperative to know when you can and …

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ACLU Sues Florida’s Criminal Justice System – Demands Data Transparency

September 13, 2021 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

A lawsuit has recently been filed in the Broward Circuit City Court; an action taken by The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Why sue? This measure was taken by the ACLU in response to what they claim has been a failure of state and local officials to follow the 2018 Criminal Justice Data Transparency law (CJDT). The law imposed in …

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Issues with the Pasco County Focused Deterrence Program

September 13, 2021 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

Pasco County and the Department of Justice Bureau – Issues with the Focused Deterrence Program The Pasco County Sheriff’s Office is not seeing eye to eye with the Department of Justice regarding their program “Focused Deterrence”. The intelligence program is set to receive an intensive review by the Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance—and they are asking for a …

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Tampa Man Released from Prison After 31 Years of Wrongful Conviction

September 13, 2021 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

The West Florida News recently covered a story on a Tampa man who has been given a second chance of freedom after serving over 30 years in jail. Tony G. Hopps is a 56-year-old man who was arrested 31 years ago for armed theft in South Tampa at the Tahitian Inn. After being convicted for a crime he did not …

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Local Gun Regulations Case Set to Reach Florida Supreme Court

September 13, 2021 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

The Florida Supreme Court has issued an order to hear a challenge to the controversial 2011 state law on local gun regulations. Thirty local governments have sued to overturn the Florida law that enforces strict punishment on officials who challenge gun regulations. As it currently stands, the law leads to fines of up to $5,000 and potential removal from office for …

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Severing Felon in Possession Charges

September 9, 2021 Criminal Defense, Seal or Expunge Criminal Record

In Florida, once you are convicted of a felony, you lose certain rights. The most common right is the right to own or possess a firearm or ammunition. If someone with a felony conviction is found illegally owning a firearm, serious penalties can arise. Additional issues come up when this charge is tried with another charge, like possession of a …

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Can I Be Held Criminally Liable for Asking for Vaccine Proof in Florida?

September 8, 2021 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

The New Florida Rule According to SB 2006, a liability bill signed into law in May by Governor Ron DeSantis, businesses, schools, and government entities can be fined of up to $5,000 per individual and face a separate violation by the Department of Health if they ask to see a customer or member of the public’s vaccine passport. A vaccine …

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Tallahassee Police Department Endorses Bystander App to Record Police Interactions

September 7, 2021 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

The Tallahassee Police Department introduced a first of its kind  mobile phone app last month that allows the public to record their interactions with law enforcement. Coined “Tallahassee Bystander”, the app, which was unveiled by Tallahassee’s Police Chief, is supposed to be a way for law enforcement to “listen and continue to collaborate on ways to strengthen our relationships with …

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