Pumphrey Law Blog

Routine Traffic Stops Involving K-9 Drug Dogs

August 26, 2021 Criminal Defense, Drug Charges

Getting pulled over is already an extremely stressful situation. Spotting the red and blue lights in your rearview mirror never produces a good feeling. No one wishes to be in trouble with the law, however, these things happen. A missed stop sign, running a red light, or driving with too-dark tint on your windows. These are all valid reasons for …

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Encounters with the Police and Escalation – Know Your Rights

August 26, 2021 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

Coming into contact with a police officer creates a high-pressured environment. Whether you have committed a crime or have been accused of committing a crime, it can be extremely stressful to deal with the police. They are not there to be your friend. Police officers are doing their job of trying to get you to admit to the fault of …

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Social Justice Movements and Social Media

August 23, 2021 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

How Twitter Played a Role in the Black Lives Matter Movement of 2020 Social justice movements have been a part of the human experience for decades. When people feel distressed or dissatisfied with a current law or global situation, groups of people have come together in face-to-face protests around the world. From the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and …

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Tallahassee Fails to Push Forward Bills to Protect Victims of Crimes

August 23, 2021 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

House Bill 1467: Employment Benefits and Accommodations for Crime Victims and Witnesses, and Senate Bill 1838: Employee Protections, are both criminal justice reform bills aimed at further protecting victims of crime. Lawmakers in Tallahassee are at the center of these bills, hoping their implementation will help “maintain human dignity while trying to improve mental health and strengthen rehabilitation.” However, those …

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Tallahassee Education Officials Fight Back against DeSantis’ Funding Threats

August 18, 2021 News & Announcements

The Order that Started it all Ron DeSantis issued an executive order on July 30 titled “Ensuring Parents’ Freedom to Choose – Masks in Schools”. The order was intended to “protect the fundamental right of parents to make health and educational decisions for their children,” by preventing school districts from imposing mask mandates for children at school. If the State …

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The Use of Facial Recognition Technology in Criminal Investigations

August 15, 2021 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

Facial recognition and surveillance technology is being used throughout the nation during criminal investigations. The technology uses a photo of someone and compares it to photos in an existing database, hoping to find a match. But how this technology goes about gathering its photos has often left the public with an eerie feeling that they are constantly being watched. Volusia …

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What is Florida’s Anti-Transgender Sports Bill?

August 10, 2021 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

What Does the Bill Say? In late April, the Florida Senate adopted an anti-transgender House amendment to education-related Senate Bill 1028. This amendment works to “ban transgender youth from participating in school sports consistent with their gender identity.” On June 1st, Governor Ron DeSantis signed the bill into law, making Florida the eighth state, all republican-led, to ban transgender girls …

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The Impact of Marsy’s Law on Police Accountability

August 10, 2021 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements

Cases of Deadly Force in Tallahassee Lead us to Wonder if Marsy’s Law can Negatively Impact Police Accountability What is Marsy’s Law? Marsy’s Law provides victims of crime constitutional rights that are equal to the rights given to criminal defendants. The law is named after Marsalee Nicholas, a college student in California who was killed by her ex-boyfriend in 1983. …

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How “Operation Child Protector” Speaks to the Unwavering Problem Disney has with Sex Trafficking

August 9, 2021 Criminal Defense, Sex Crimes

A total of 17 people were arrested in the Polk County Sheriff’s Office sting, “Operation Child Protector” last week. The group, including three employees of Walt Disney World, were charged with a total of 49 felonies and two misdemeanors, including “traveling to meet a minor for sex, attempted lewd battery, use of a computer to seduce a child and transmission …

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