Pumphrey Law Blog

Domestic Violence Charges in Florida

June 5, 2020 Domestic Violence

domestic violence in florida

What is the Florida Family Protection Act? Yearly there are over 100,000 cases of domestic violence reported in Florida. Unfortunately, many incidents go unreported. One in four women and one in nine men nationwide have reported severe domestic violence, with even more suffering less dangerous events. A substantial portion of the law surrounding domestic violence stems from the 2001 Family …

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Can you Bond out of Jail on a Probation Violation?

May 21, 2020 Probation Violation

tallahassee probation violation

Can I bound out of Jail for a VOP? Florida Probation Services manages the supervision of offenders throughout the state of Florida. The most popular types of supervision are: regular probation, administrative probation, drug offender probation, sex offender probation, and community control. Often this requires monitoring of specific conditions of release, sometimes by statute, and sometimes at the behest of …

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Impact of Covid-19 on the Florida Court System and Our Response

May 12, 2020 News & Announcements

covid defense

COVID-19 has created a health crisis unlike any current generations have experienced or hopefully ever will experience. It is commonplace in blog posts to discuss the epidemic and disease as an introduction, but the purpose of this post is not to discuss how serious this crisis is, or the disease itself. That information has pervaded every aspect of our lives …

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DUI Manslaughter and Vehicular Homicide in Florida

May 4, 2020 Drunk Driving/DUI

DUI Manslaughter and Vehicular Homicide in Florida

What is the difference between DUI Manslaughter and Vehicular Homicide in Florida? Vehicular Homicide and DUI Manslaughter are serious offenses in the state of Florida. A Florida Vehicular Homicide attorney can help navigate a case where either of these charges have been filed. On the surface, these charges appear to be nearly identical, with one just adding an intoxicated driver, …

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Drone Laws in Florida 2020

April 21, 2020 Drone Law

2020 Florida Drone Laws

Drone law, or the flying of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) in Florida, is a constantly changing field of legislation and case law. The rules and requirements stem both from Federal agencies and the State of Florida and require careful consideration to avoid running afoul. There are abundant resources to be found online, but as always, if there is any question …

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What Charges can be Sealed or Expunged in Florida?

April 14, 2020 Seal or Expunge Criminal Record

seal and expunge laws in florida

**The information on this page is for informational purposes. This area of criminal defense is not practiced by the attorneys at Pumphrey Law. Please click here to locate an attorney in your area.** Sealing and expunging of records in the state of Florida is a statutory mechanism that prevents public access to records pertaining to a criminal history and the …

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Is DUI Manslaughter a Violent Crime in Florida?

April 7, 2020 Drunk Driving/DUI

florida dui manslaughter

Florida DUI Manslaughter It is a sad reality that in the state of Florida, thousands of Floridians die every year as the result of traffic accidents in the state. Unfortunately, some of those drivers are also intoxicated at the time of the accident. There are various crimes which can be charged as a result of causing a crash that results …

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How Can a Lawyer Defend Someone Who is Guilty?

March 30, 2020 Criminal Defense, News & Announcements defending a guilty client

law books

Defending a Client who Might be Guilty Some of the most common questions defense attorneys get ask are in regard to the potential guilt of a client: “What if your client is guilty?”, “How can a lawyer represent a guilty client?”, “What if your client confesses to you and you win?” These queries range from the existential to the practical …

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Hands Free Driving in Florida

March 12, 2020 News & Announcements hands free driving

Hands Free Driving in Florida

A new state law was passed on July 1, 2019 to combat distracted drivers, referred to as the hands-free driving law in Florida. The law shortly went into effect in October of 2019, banning the input of data into handheld devices while driving in roadwork and school zones. This restriction was later expanded to include all public roads in the …

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