Over 100 Not Guilty Verdicts At Trial | Over 2,000 Dismissals

* Statistics Verified by County Clerk of Court Documents

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Client Testimonials
  • "We are very fortunate to have hired such a wonderful team!!" by A.K., Past Client
  • " I would highly recommend this firm if you want diligent, brilliant attorneys working for you. The proof is in his results!" by Anonymous (Google Review), Past Client
  • "The legal and emotional support is unsurpassed." by Braxton O., Wife of Past Client
  • "Would recommend if looking for a law firm that is committed to every case and personal circumstance" by Cameron J., Past Client
  • "If you have a fight on your hands, you want Don Pumphrey in your corner." by D. Williams, Past Client
  • "He took his time with my case and made sure to get me the best results." by David H., Past Client
  • "Best criminal attorney in Florida" by Elizabeth R., Past Client
  • "I would recommend them to anyone that is in need of the best legal care available!!! " by J. Martinez, Past Client
  • "You will not find a finer, more experienced criminal attorney in Tallahassee to handle mistakes made by yourself or your student." by Kim, Parent of Past Client
  • " He's a great person and cares very much about his clients." by M.G., Past Client
  • "His dedication to his clients and office is remarkable." by Matt D., Past Client
  • "His passion for justice is second only to his unwavering commitment to his clients." by Michael M., Past Client
  • " Look no further and trust you child's case to Don Pumphrey. Please don't allow your child to settle for less. " by R.O., Parent of Past Client
  • "If he is involved in your case, you can expect a thorough and compassionate experience with a very good outcome" by Ruth A., Relative of Past Client
  • "He worked relentlessly to achieve the best possible outcome in my circumstances. " by T.K., Past Client

Madison County Criminal Defense

Pumphrey Law is a Tallahassee-based criminal defense firm that offers legal representation and guidance to those falsely accused of crimes in Madison County, Florida.

The process for individuals arrested for suspected violations of law can result in a multitude of penalties. Depending on the type of crime a person in Madison County has been accused of the person may be sentenced to pay fines, lose their driver’s license, register as a specific type of offender, or be sentenced to incarceration. With the help of a knowledgeable attorney, you can feel less stressed by having a professional in your corner.

This page covers information you may need in making a decision regarding a criminal case in Madison County. Our attorneys are committed to fighting for your rights and can help you get your charges reduced or dismissed.

Criminal Defense Attorney in Madison County, FL

If you are facing criminal charges in Madison County, the attorneys at Pumphrey Law can help you pursue justice. You should always talk to an attorney before you speak with the authorities. There is often limited time once a criminal accusation is made, so retaining an attorney quickly after the initial arrest helps to ensure the best possible outcome for your trial or court hearing.

Additionally, if you have been formerly convicted of a crime, the attorneys at Pumphrey Law can help you with the task of sealing or expunging your criminal record in Madison County. Having a criminal record can cause shame and embarrassment that can follow you throughout life and prevent you from gaining employment, housing, or federal funding for education. Contact Pumphrey Law Firm at (850) 681-7777 today to receive a free consultation.

Pumphrey Law’s Practice Areas in Madison County

Facing allegations of a criminal act in Florida should not be taken lightly. Florida prosecutors are known to push for harsh sentencing if the case results in a conviction. While it is understandably stressful to be arrested for a crime, the best thing you can do moving forward is to hire an attorney who can accurately defend and represent your case. The defense attorneys with Pumphrey Law Firm proudly represent individuals in Madison County who are facing any of the following criminal offenses:

If you or someone you love is being accused of a crime in Madison County, consider consulting the skilled defense attorneys with Pumphrey Law Firm. Our attorneys can review your case details and determine what defense strategies may be available to combat against a criminal conviction.

Madison County Crime Abstract

The following data provided by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) covers the rate of crime in Madison County from January – December 2019:

  • Total Crime Rate – 1,456.3
  • Total Violent Crime – 111
  • Total Property Crime – 174
  • Total Domestic Violence Offenses – 114
  • Total Arrests – 490

Listed below are statistics on individual offenses committed in Madison County during 2019:

  • Assault – 81 offenses
  • Aggravated Assault – 94 offenses;
  • Robbery – 3 offenses
  • Motor Vehicle Theft – 2 offenses
  • Rape – 14 offenses
  • Burglary – 71 offenses
  • Larceny – 101 offenses

Example Cases in Madison County

August 2018: The Madison County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) arrested multiple people involved in an alleged drug operation. According to the local report, MCSO and the Suwannee County Sheriff’s Office conducted a lengthy investigation regarding the possession and sale of narcotics within the community.

There were three search warrants issued, the first resulting in investigators seizing over 15.5lbs of synthetic marijuana. Police also seized a hi-point handgun that was reported stolen, and additional items used to help facilitate the sale of unlawful substances. The second two search warrants were for the same apartment building, in which police obtained more than 100 grams of marijuana, ecstasy, the substance ‘flakka’, a stolen Kel-Tec handgun, and a Springfield XD9 handgun.

There were six individuals arrested, including one juvenile. The criminal charges include:

  • Possession of marijuana less than 20 grams;
  • Possession of Drug Paraphernalia;
  • Possession of MDMA;
  • Possession of Flakka with the intent to sell within 1,000 feet of public housing;
  • Possession of marijuana with the intent to sell within 1,000 feet of public housing;
  • Possession with the intent to sell a controlled substance within 1,000 feet of a Church;
  • Possession of a firearm during commission of a felony;
  • Possession of a firearm by a convicted felon; and
  • Violation of Probation.

May 2023 – MCSO conducted a series of drug investigations across Madison County that led them to an apartment in the Spring Hill Apartment Complex. Police issued a search warrant for Brittany Hicks’ apartment, where there were “numerous plastic packages some of which contained illegal substance residues, several scales used to weigh the illegal product prior to selling.” The substances seized in the apartment included 4.7 grams of Flakka (Alpha PVP) and 2.2 grams of marijuana. The defendant was charged with the following offenses in Madison County:

    • Possession of a synthetic narcotic with the intent to sell;
    • Public disorder crime/nuisance for drug activity; and
    • Possession of drug paraphernalia.

Additional Resources

The following provides Madison County Court and Legal Resources that may be of help for your legal needs:

Madison County Clerk of Court – The Madison County Clerk’s Office is responsible for overseeing various departments that deal with the Circuit and County court systems.

125 SW Range Avenue
Madison, Florida 32340
(850) 973-1500

Pay Traffic Tickets in Madison County – Individuals accused of traffic infractions in Madison County can use this link to pay for any traffic citations that they have received throughout the county, including Madison, Lee, and Greenville.

The information below provides the Law Enforcement in Madison County, which may be of use for a person who was arrested or charged by the following departments:

Madison County Sheriff’s Department – The Madison County Sheriff’s Office provides law enforcement services throughout the over 750 square miles of Madison County and to its population that exceeds over 20,000.

239 SW Pinckney St
Madison, FL 32340-2470
Phone: (850) 973-4151

Madison Police Department – The officers with the Madison Police Department are committed to providing quality law enforcement to the residents in the city of Madison. Their department can be located at:

310 SW Rutledge Street
Madison, Florida 32340
Phone: (850)973- 5077

City Resource

Madison County Area Data
This resource provides critical data for the area of Madison and the cities that reside within the county borders. Information such as criminal statistics, household income averages and the demographic makeup of the county can be found here.

Contact a Criminal Defense Attorney in Madison County, FL

Have you recently been arrested in Madison County? If so, you will need to secure high-quality defense to move forward in fighting against a criminal conviction. Depending on the offense you’ve been accused of you could be facing serious repercussions that include paying fines, facing imprisonment, losing your driving eligibility, receiving a retraining order, or even having to register as a Florida Sex Offender. Whatever details may surround your case, consider contacting the experienced defense attorneys with Pumphrey Law Firm. We provide free consultations to go over the facts of your case and to make a solid plan of defense. Our attorneys will be with you every step of the way to make sure your rights are protected.

A Pumphrey Law criminal defense attorney can help you get the most favorable results possible in your criminal case in Madison County, Florida. Take the first step to avoid a conviction; contact us today at (850) 681-7777 to schedule your free case evaluation.

Page Updated February 6, 2024

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